Top Tips For Healthy Eating With Diabetes

There are different kinds of diabetes, and no two people with diabetes will be exactly the same. These differences mean that there is no one size fits all diet that will work for everyone with diabetes. However, there are some useful tips that everyone can use to make healthier food choices. 

These healthy eating tips, when paired with exercise and other tools to manage your Diabetes, such as SAS diabetic shoes, can help you to manage your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. They can also help you to manage your weight and reduce the risk of complications like heart problems, strokes, and other conditions. 

Choose Healthier Carbohydrates

All carbs will affect your blood glucose levels so it’s important to know which foods contain carbs. Choose the healthier foods with carbs, and be aware of your portoin sizes. 

Look for healthier sources of carbs, such as:

  • Whole grains, like brown rice, buckwheat, and whole oats
  • Fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Pulses, such as chickpeas, beans, and lentils
  • Dairy, such as unsweetened yogurt or milk

You should also aim to cut down on foods that are low in fiber. Stay away from white bread, white rice, and highly-processed cereals, as these have little fiber. Get in the habit of checking the food labels, so you can find the foods that are high in fiber if you aren’t sure. 

Eat Less Salt

Eating a lot of salt can increase your risk of high blood pressure, which can then increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. Having diabetes already makes you more at risk of these conditions, so you need to be extra careful. 

Try to limit your salt intake to a maximum of 6g (about a teaspoonful) of salt in a day. A lot of pre-packaged foods contain a lot of salt already, so make sure you always check the food labels, and try to choose those that contain less salt. Cooking from scratch instead of buying processed foods will make it much easier to limit your salt intake and keep an eye on how much you’re eating. You can also try swapping salt for other herbs and spices, so you can still get plenty of flavor in your food without the salt. 

Eat Less Red And Processed Meat

If you’re eating less carbs, you might start eating more meat to fill up. This isn’t a good idea with red and processed meats, like beef, bacon, or sausages. These all have links with cancers and heart problems, which you are already at an elevated risk for. 

Instead, swap your red and processed meats for some alternatives, like:

  • Pulses, like lentils or beans
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Chicken and turkey
  • Unsalted nuts

Beans, pea, and lentils are high in fiber, and won’t affect your blood glucose levels. They’re a great alternative to red meat and will help you to feel full. Fish is good for you too, especially oily fish like mackerel and salmon. These fish are rich in omega-3 oil, which helps to protect your heart. Try to eat two portions of oily fish every week.