DIY Hacks To Make The Most Out Of Your Household Junk!

In today’s world, it’s always wise to think about your impact on the environment. As a regular person at home, what can you do to help limit the negative impact on our ecosystem? One of the best ideas is to focus on being as sustainable as possible, which means you make things last as long as possible and avoid generating waste. 

Needless to say, you’ll have lots of junk around your home that’s waiting to be thrown out. If you can find ways of turning this junk into something useful, it will help you be remarkably sustainable. A handful of ideas immediately spring to mind!

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Turn old packaging into storage boxes

How many old cardboard boxes or plastic containers do you have lying around? Your attic is probably full of old cardboard, and you were probably planning on chucking it out. Having a good clear-out is a smart idea, but before you enlist the help of a company like Evergreen Junk Removal to chuck everything away, consider re-using old cardboard boxes as new storage boxes. 

The same goes for plastic food containers or boxes you might have lying around. Give them a bit of TLC and use them to store kid’s toys or anything else you can think of. Your house will be neater and you’ll generate less waste. 

Repurpose old clothes

Let’s be honest, your wardrobes and closets are full of old clothes that either don’t fit or aren’t fashionable anymore. You’re planning on binning them, but don’t jump to any decisions just yet. You’ll be stunned at what you can do with an old item of clothing to repurpose it and wear it again. 

For instance, you could take one of your old t-shirts and turn it into a small tank top for one of your kids! The opportunities are endless, and here are a few DIY ideas that can help you breathe new life into old clothing. 

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Upcycle junk furniture

Do you have any junk furniture lying around your house? Your garage or attic could contain old chairs or tables that started to break and have been lying there ever since. They might seem like massive hunks of rubbish, but you can upcycle them into something more useful for you right now. 

Take an old table, for example. The legs have gone, so it’s of no use to you as a table. But, with some savvy DIY skills, you can take part of the table and turn it into a chopping board for the kitchen. It’s all about looking at old furniture and considering what you can do with the parts that are still intact. This will cut down on your waste and make your junk go further than ever before. 

Let’s be honest, you will still have to throw out some junk – it’s unavoidable. But, these DIY hacks will help you get the most out of everything in your home. Instead of taking multiple trips to the dump, you only need to take one – and your car is barely full. You minimize your carbon footprint and could actually save money on all sorts of things in the process.