The Most Popular Apps for Stay at Home Moms


Having kids is a lot of work, and you should never let anyone tell you it is not. You play with them, feed them, clean up after them, and do many more things around the house. Unfortunately, that means that it is all but impossible to find some free time for yourself in general.

However, thanks to technological advances of smartphone apps, it no longer has to be true. Not only should you be able to organize your time efficiently, but you can actually have some fun as well. You no longer require multiple hours of free time to do something fun for yourself.

So, if you need help organizing your day, or if you are just looking for a way to kill some time, you will probably find the perfect app for yourself on this list. After all, these are the most popular apps millions of stay-at-home moms download and use every day.

Lose It!
One of the most significant concerns for many new mothers is the extra weight they got during pregnancy. And that is especially clear when you realize that Lose It! Is one of the most popular smartphone apps for young mothers to lose weight.

This phone application will let you keep track of everything you ate during the day, and it will also help you monitor the number of calories you burn by exercising or doing pretty much anything you can think of doing. Once you find out that an hour of cleaning around the house will easily burn over 150 calories, you won’t see it as much of a chore as you do now.

Essentially, carefully tracking your calories and the exercises you do will help you lose the extra weight.

Mom Maps
Most people believe that stay-at-home moms don’t leave the house at all, and, most people are wrong. In fact, you are always on the move because you have to do a lot of things every day. And, sometimes, you simply have to take your kid with you. But, there is one small issue with that idea – you have to find places that are kid-friendly. And this is where Mom Maps steps in.

Mom Maps is a smartphone app that will provide the info on all places near you that other moms approve. With this app, you will finally be able to take your kid with you everywhere. And that includes traveling as well. Of course, just be sure to contribute and approve the places you know of so you can help other moms.
SportPesa Casino
Believe it or not, moms around the world are spending more and more time on online casino apps. And one of the best online casinos you will find is SportPesa. You can easily enjoy various UK Casino Games at the SportPesa Casino from the comfort of your living room. Some moms see it as a way to potentially earn some money, while most just want to sit back and enjoy the thrill.

Thankfully, unlike physical casinos, all casinos that operate online avoid imposing minimal betting levels. That means that you can literally enjoy your time without risking significant amounts of money. Furthermore, they also give out a lot of free spins or other bonuses for new members.

It is no secret that stay-at-home moms are the ones handling the budgeting. Thankfully, LivingSocial is an app that can greatly help them in their everyday activities. This smartphone app will let you be on a constant lookout for incredible deals near you. You can use this app to find out about discounts for pretty much anything you can imagine. Including beauty parlors, restaurants, gym passes, or even bowling alleys.

To put it simply, this app will let you cut down on your overall expenses and still have a lot of fun with your family. You can treat your other half to dinner, or take your family out for half a price. Or, you can just decide to treat yourself with a beauty treatment of your dreams.

Speaking of money management, why not try to make some money without having to spend a lot of time going to work. After all, you chose not to work so that you can be able to take care of your kids. But, with an app like Swagbucks, you can start making a bit of extra cash without much effort.

There are several methods you can use to earn money with this app. The most common ones are filling out surveys, referring your friends, and watching ads. For all of those actions, the app will reward you with SB points. You can then use those points (once you get enough) to buy various gift cards. And they cover some of the biggest stores in the States, including Walmart and Amazon. Or, you can just turn the points into cash and use your PayPal account to withdraw it.

Have more fun apps to add to the list? Which ones do you like?