3 Ways to boost your breakfast in the morning

Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day, and for plenty of good reasons! Breakfast can help you to concentrate, assist with weight management, and even reduce your risk of diabetes and heart disease. 

One of the other major benefits of breakfast is that it can give you an energy burst to start your day. 

Some days, though, you might feel like you need a little something extra to get going. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep the night before, or maybe you have a long day ahead of you. 

Thankfully, there are things you can do to your breakfast to pack even more of an energy-boosting punch. Let’s look at a few helpful tips that will give your breakfast a boost and provide you with lasting energy throughout the morning. 

1. Go With Whole Grains

Always choose whole grains for breakfast, instead of enriched bread or carbohydrates. Everything from whole-wheat toast to oatmeal will help you feel fuller longer and will give you energy that slowly releases throughout the morning. When you choose “white bread” or cereals that aren’t made with whole grain, you might get an energy burst at first, but you will quickly “crash” instead of consistently feeling awake throughout the day. 

2. Pack on the Protein

You might not immediately think about protein for breakfast, but it should always be a part of your meal. Protein can be found in eggs, milk, nuts, salmon, and Greek yogurt, to name a few common breakfast items. 

Protein will give you instant energy, and when you combine it with slow-activating carbs, it’s the perfect combination to keep you going throughout the morning. 

Additionally, protein is necessary for your body to repair itself, especially your muscles. If you’re feeling weak or fatigued, eating some lean protein can give you a healthy boost. 

3. Blend it Up

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If you’ve recently started cooking as a hobby but you feel like you’re just too busy to make breakfast in the morning, consider a healthy smoothie. 

Smoothies are a great way to add ingredients you love with other ingredients that pack a nutritional punch. Frozen fruits, leafy greens, juice, yogurt, and even additions like strong greens will all make a great-tasting, energy-boosting smoothie to start your day. Most smoothies only take a few minutes to make, they’re packed with essential nutrients, and you can take them with you as you head out the door!

Whatever you do, make sure you’re not skipping out on breakfast in the morning, no matter how much or how little time you might have to make something. Eating anything, even if it’s something small and simple, will help to give you an energy boost and “wake you up” after a long night.

But, by making these simple switches or additions to the first meal of the day, you can give yourself even more energy, so you won’t feel a mid-morning slump. You’ll feel better, and you’ll be able to concentrate on the things you need to get done until lunchtime.