Top 10 Natural Remedies To Remove Blackheads

Blackheads are also known as 'open comedones' in the medical terminology, but for you and me, they are simply the first stage of acne, and are generally caused due to poor hygiene, excess generation of facial oils, poor diet, poor digestion and possibly thyroid disorders. Exfoliated skin, dirt, and bacteria congeal beneath the outer layers of skin to form unsightly blemishes, which are called … [Read more...]

The 2-ingredient Ice Cream You Can’t Resist!

I am sure most of you must have heard about the famous Biscoff Cookies that hail from Europe, right? And if you haven't then you have definitely missed something, and should go and buy a packet today. However, if you can't find a packet of Biscoff cookies, then do not fret, because something even better is now available in your grocery stores - Biscoff Spread. Made from original Belgium Biscoff … [Read more...]

A Working Mom’s Guide to Stress Management

As a mother of a pre-schooler and a newborn, I know I often feel the need to just sit back and relax, but even that feels like a luxury these days! But am I complaining? definitely not, because I have carved my life to be happy with 5 hours of sleep at night, and enjoy the rest of the day with my little one and my family, finding time to squeeze in some relaxing activities that help me enjoy this … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Spruce Up Your Summer Drinks

Summer means long nights of sipping bright beverages on beautiful open patios. Trends in summer drinks focus on the continuance of the farm to table movement, as well as place an emphasis on high quality. On trend beverage lists feature drinks concocted with an alchemy of local and fresh ingredients. Its very easy to add a new variety and dimension to simple summer drinks by adding a few twists to … [Read more...]

5 Recipes To Get Spa Treatment At Home

While the idea of spending an entire day at a relaxing spa sounds amazing, most of us don’t have the time or money to pamper ourselves to that extent. It would be wonderful to have someone work on your face, body and hair, making you feel gorgeous, even for that one single day. And yet, for most of us, the cost of this indulgence is not something that our budget allows, but that does not mean that … [Read more...]

Homemade Peanut Butter Recipe

Peanut Butter is a staple in almost every household, and though a jar of peanut butter will not cost more than 3 or 4 bucks in a grocery store, let me tell you that it is easier and much less expensive to make this at home. Plus you get the added benefit of serving fresh and healthy food to your kids and family, as homemade peanut butter will not contain any added chemicals or preservatives. With … [Read more...]

Caramelized Apple Pancakes

When it comes to Breakfast pancakes, most of us resort to a packaged mix, or one of our staples like Blueberry Pancakes or Banana Pancakes, for a quick turnaround. However, weekends tend to be a bit more relaxing, so you can take your time to revamp a favorite pancake recipe, perhaps use some fresh seasonal fruits to pump it up, and instead of going for individual pancakes, how about whipping up a … [Read more...]

Roasted Artichokes With Herbed Lemon Butter

I have to admit I am not a complete Artichoke fan yet, and perhaps will never be a dedicated one. But over years, after having been subjected to numerous instances of tasting them in various ways, one is bound to develop a certain respect for them, given the fact that they are locally grown in California, and are nutritious too, and can actually do good to your body. The "fleshy" leaves have a … [Read more...]

Edible Holiday Table Lights

I am sure everyone has started preparing for Christmas, decorating their houses with festive lights and holiday decorations. And as you deck up your exteriors and hallways with Christmas lights, why not bring on a bit of holiday glitter to your dinner table too! As a cute and very festive dessert idea, try these Edible Holiday Table Lights, while entertaining friends and family. They are simply … [Read more...]

Chocolate Gingerbread Cookies

As we roll in towards December, the preparations are on for Christmas; we even put up our Christmas Tree last Sunday, as soon as the Thanksgiving fiesta was over, and I've been scouring the magazines for all the delicious Holiday recipes that will find their way into our kitchen! I have a list of recipes to share, but I wanted to kick-start the Christmas recipes with this very delicious and … [Read more...]