Ways To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint At Home

Sustainable living is something that has been encouraged by scientists and experts on the environment. The rate at which human activities continue to damage the environment is alarming, and before long, things may get out of hand. Everyone has a role to play since each individual is directly responsible for activities that leave a carbon footprint. This article will discuss ways to reduce your carbon footprint at home.

Kitchen and diet

As much as possible, switch to cooking plant-based meals more. Proteins such as dairy, meat, and eggs greatly impact the environment more than any other food group. Also, reduce your purchase of food packaged in plastic. Do well to plan your meals instead of deciding on the spur of the moment, ensuring that you do not waste food. It also helps you to shop smarter and make better use of leftover food. Check your refrigerators to ensure they are energy-efficient and do not emit any CFCs. Consider starting a compost bin for scraps and unused leftover food. This can be used to grow food in your backyard garden.

Energy efficiency

When it comes to protecting the environment, the reduction of energy consumption is the only way to reduce the carbon footprint. The first thing to consider is to switch to cleaner energy. Solar energy is a viable alternative for sustainable living, so installing solar panels is a great investment even though it might be expensive for some. If you are seriously considering solar energy and it seems quite expensive, read on community solar at https://www.choosesolar.com for a new and exciting way to benefit from this energy source.

Other things you should consider are replacing all bulbs with energy-saving LED light bulbs. Always remember to unplug appliances and switch off sockets when not in use. To further reduce your costs on heating, it is advisable to install energy-efficient insulation at home. As often as possible, open a window instead of using the air conditioner. Switch off lights when you leave a room and lower or increase your thermostat by a few degrees depending on the season.

Laundry and cleaning

Laundry and cleaning are activities that people perform quite often. And adopting the best practices will reduce our carbon footprint and improve the environment. For example, replace your old laundry machine with an energy-efficient one. Also, when shopping, buy plant-based and non-toxic detergents. Consider washing with cold water more often, and instead of using a dryer, trying hand drying on a clothesline instead. Additionally, stop or, at least, limit using fabric softeners and dryer sheets.


Water may seem to be in unending supply, but the quality will eventually reduce if you do not manage it well. You can start managing water better at home by using leftover bath water to water plants or wash dishes. Also, make sure all taps and faucets are properly closed after using them and replace your shower heads with energy-efficient ones.

People spend a lot of time at home, and now more than ever due to Covid-19. Beginning such environmentally safe activities at home will ensure that you play your part in reducing our carbon footprint.