Take Your Cleaning To the Next Level

It’s time to take your cleanliness game to the next level. For example, how do you feel when you come home after a long day of work and no one is around to greet you? You want your home environment to be welcoming, so it means that it has to be clean! Follow these steps for cleaning up your act.

Start With Outdoor Furniture

The best time to do this is in the morning so you can dry it before nightfall, but if that’s not possible, any time will work. Cleaning patio furniture can be quite the process. It would help if you were meticulous in maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the furniture. Put two buckets next to one another and fill them halfway up with warm water. 

Grab a sponge or rag depending on what you have available, and start scrubbing your patio table or chairs. If you have a patio umbrella, grab it and wash the outside of it down as well. If you have a table umbrella, you need to clean that too. Finally, wipe down all your chairs and make sure everything is dry before storing it away for the night.

Clean Your Garage

Remove any unnecessary items. Take away anything that doesn’t belong there, so you can get to the things that do. Clean up all of the tools and equipment in your garage or shed. You can put them back where they belong when you finish cleaning everything else out. Sweep, vacuum, mop, and wipe down every surface in your space one last time.

Most people usually use the garage as a storage place for their unused items. After a while, it may accumulate clutter. It would help if you were keen and strict in the storage place and reason in the garage. Maintain order and organization and extend the same guidelines to your family or housemates. 

Deep Clean Your Kitchen

Get rid of old food in your fridge, take everything out and give the shelves a good wipe down. If you have an oven that’s worth keeping, then put all those pots to use by boiling some water on it with lemon juice added for extra shine!  You can also scrub your sink top, which will help if any dried-up food bits stick to the surface. 

If you don’t have a dishwasher, make sure you clean all your glasses thoroughly and use a bottle brush for those tricky bottles at the bottom of your cupboard to maintain your kitchen hygiene!

Clean All Stains in the Living Room

Clean all stains in the living room by taking a wet rag to each stain. Use a drop of dish soap if needed, and then toss it into the washing machine after removing any excess dirt or grime from it. You can also use an old toothbrush to scrub at more challenging spots on couches, chairs, and ottomans, as well as the carpet. 

If you have a stain on your walls, scrub at it with dish soap and water mixed in a bucket. Just don’t rub too hard, as this can leave scratches that are harder to remove later. Finally, clean any windows or mirrors around the living room by taking glass cleaner and paper towels to them after being dry for a few minutes.

Clean Your Living Room Furniture

You can start by dusting each piece of furniture. You can use a dry cloth or duster to get rid of the most apparent grime, but if you want to take your cleanliness game up another notch, then you can do a good wipe down with some disinfectant wipes too. When you do it properly, it will leave any surface sparkling and smelling fresh.

Clean Your Bedrooms

Do you walk into the bedroom and see a mess on that beautiful new four-poster canopy bed? You can make this quick fix by making it every day before going to work. Do not forget to make your bed every single day before you leave for work in the morning. If you are that busy during your weekday, make sure it is ready when you get back from work.

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter can take over your home and make it uncomfortable. Removing clutter will not only benefit the way you feel about where you live, but it will also make your home look more attractive to visitors. Ensure that you regularly declutter your home to avoid having a congested and disorganized house. 

Clean Your Bathrooms

Firstly, clean your bathroom floors and shower or tub. Use a mop to get the dirt off the floor, and then use an all-purpose cleaner on any other dirty surfaces. Next, wipe down mirrors with glass cleaner that won’t leave streaks behind.

Make sure you scrub around faucets as well before moving on cleaning your tub or shower. Use a scrub brush to get into any tight crevices, and then use your all-purpose cleaner on the other surfaces in this area before using another clean cloth to wipe it down. Finally, dry off everything with a fresh towel so that you can move on cleaning your countertops next!

Arrange Everything

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Organize your living space. Please make sure all of the furniture in a room is facing the same direction, and there are no stray pieces that might cause someone to trip over them. If you have enough storage, try getting rid of extra items you do not need or use regularly. Also, make sure everything in each room has its place. It will make it easier to find things when you need them and help keep your home looking nice all the time.


These tips are just the beginning of a lifestyle that many people should adopt, but not everyone does it yet. However, keep in mind that these are only guidelines, and one could feel free to add or modify them as they see fit, depending on their preferences and situations. Good luck!