Dental Hygiene – Don’t Ignore Your Teeth!

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While we should be mindful to take care of every aspect of our health, there’s no denying that some parts of it have a much bigger impact on our self-confidence in life and our teeth are one such example. If you’re not feeling confident about your teeth, you can feel embarrassed or awkward about smiling, which can limit your ability to express yourself. Some people can feel like it’s too late to do anything about it, that the damage is done, but that’s not true. There’s always help available.

Get serious about oral hygiene

There’s a vicious cycle that can start to take effect when people don’t feel confident about their teeth. Those people who are self-conscious about them can start to neglect them even further, leading to lifelong habits that might seem insurmountable. While brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash alone aren’t going to restore your teeth to perfect condition, it’s important to pick up the habit to make sure that any treatments you do are able to stick. What’s more, simply taking care of yourself a little better can greatly improve your self-esteem even before you start to see the effects.

Damage and discoloration can be repaired

Regardless of the condition that your teeth are in, there’s always something that can be done to help. It is true that prevention is better than treatment because some aspects of oral care, such as enamel loss, are impossible to reverse. For that reason, investing in things like enamel-strengthening toothpaste can be a good idea. However, there are a host of both structural and cosmetic dental treatments that are worth looking into, from composite resin bonding to permanent veneers that can repair both damage and discoloration. Whitening treatments, both at-home, and in-chair, can do a lot to improve the shade of discolored teeth, too.

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Filling the gaps

When you lose an adult tooth, there is no getting it back, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing that can be done about it. Instead of simply accepting the gap and letting your confidence suffer, you can get all kinds of replacements that can help. This can include plates that can replace one or multiple teeth that are worn inside the mouth. Dental implants, while costing a bit more, are designed to fit permanently into the jaw. They can help you replicate a complete and healthy bite and are designed to look just like real teeth.

Stop the damage

It’s not just neglect that can cause damage to your teeth, of course. A lot of people also experience bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, which can do serious damage if allowed. If you find yourself grinding your teeth when awake or you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw, then you might want to look at getting a mouthguard to help you better protect your teeth. Bruxism can also be a sign of stress, which might mean it’s worth looking into finding some measure of relief for that, too.

Don’t resign to feeling embarrassed about your smile. Take action today with the tips above.