Thinking Beyond The Six Pack Abs!

For most people, the image of human perfection revolves around the washboard abs. After all, that’s the feature that seems to unite virtually every model currently shown in magazines and on TV shows. Thanks to the role of social media, sculpting a six-pack is an even greater desire than ever before. Make no mistake - Getting six-pack abs is certainly a major achievement that’s worth … [Read more...]

7 New Ways To Eat Special & Feel Special

Are you tired of eating the same kind of food every day and need a quick change to rev things up? Or are you trying hard to control your diet and getting bored of eating salads and weight loss shakes? How about just focusing on eating healthy and nutritious food that’s tasty as well, so its easier to take care of your body and mind? Then it’s time to shake things up a bit. Studies have shown that … [Read more...]

Simple Ways to Lose Tummy Fat

Our body fat is a little like real estate – it’s all about location, location, location! In addition to an unsightly pouch, excess belly fat is responsible for all sorts of troubles, as this deep layer affects hormones and proteins that can make your cholesterol levels worse, and contribute to insulin resistance. Everyone has what is known as visceral fat, but problems result when there is too … [Read more...]

How To Safely Lose 5 Pounds in 5 Weeks

How To Lose Fat in a Healthy Way A month ago I had a visit with my general physician, and through I was in good shape, as we chatted casually, she commented how I was still 12 pounds overweight than my pre-pregnancy weight! I know most Moms cut themselves some slack after pregnancy and its no harm as long as you are in a healthy weight range. But still, this conversation spurred me into trying to … [Read more...]