How to prevent hearing loss as you age

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There are many things that you have to pay a little more attention to as you age, and the health of your hearing is certainly one of them. The single biggest risk factor for hearing loss and related hearing problems is age. So if you’re entering your senior years and you want to maintain clarity in your hearing for longer, there are some things that you’ll need to start doing a little differently. Find out about all of that and more below.

Manage Your Stress Levels

It’s important to be aware of the broad range of factors that can impact your hearing and hearing health as you get older. Many people fail to realize that their hearing health and their mental health are closely combined. There’s studies that show excessive stress can lead to hearing problems in older people. So be sure to manage your stress and reduce your exposure to it wherever possible.

Give Your Ears the Time to Recover

When you are exposed to a loud noise that has the potential to do damage to your health, it’s important to give your ears the chance they need to recover. Give them as much time as possible and try not to expose your ears to loud noises too often and in too short a space of time. That period of recovery when you keep things quiet and tranquil can make a huge difference.

Get Your Hearing Tested Regularly

Getting your hearing tested regularly can have a huge impact on the quality of your hearing moving forward. When you get checked out, you can track any changes in your hearing over time, allowing the necessary interventions and treatments to happen faster and more efficiently. An audiometry hearing test is what you should be looking for if you want to gain that kind of insight.

Keep Your Ears Clean and Dry

Keeping your ears clean is important, and it’s best that the cleaning process is carried out by a professional. Sticking a cotton bud in your ear and trying to clean out the wax that way can often end up doing more harm than done. And you should also take more time and care to dry your ears after showering too. Excessive moisture in the ear can cause problems eventually.

Keep an Eye on the Volume

When you’re listening to TV, music or the radio, you need to make sure that you keep an eye on the volume. If you’re noticing that you’re having to raise it higher and higher, it might be a sign that you’re suffering from hearing loss. And by raising it higher, you might be damaging your hearing more, which is the last thing you want to do.

Looking after your hearing health as you get older doesn’t have to be a huge challenge. It’s more about doing the basic things right and paying more attention to your hearing over time. If you can do that, you’ll ensure you’re less likely to experience hearing problems in the future.