How to protect your roof during the harsh winter months

Your roof is designed to take a lot of damage, but that doesn’t mean it’s supposed to take all of the damage all of the time. There’s only so much it can take before things start to crumble, but the only way it’s going to crumble is if you are not maintaining your roof the way that you should. It’s never more noticeable than in the winter months that your maintenance is falling short, and if it’s been awhile since you last ran maintenance on your roof, then the time is now to start considering doing that again. 

Making sure that your roof is well maintained will prevent a roof leak, pests from getting into any gaps, and the wind and rain rushing through it in the winter months. The winter months are a tough time as it is when it comes to the climate and the weather, and if you’re not doing enough with your roof then you are going to notice it in your house when winter has hit. Here are some of the best ways that you can protect your roof against the ice, snow and storms of winter.

Prevention is better than cure

If you want to ensure that your roof is able to withstand the wintry months, then you need to look out for repairs. Maintenance is important, and even if you don’t consider that anything may be wrong with your roof, you should send out an expert to come and check your roof over to make sure nothing is actually wrong. You’re not a professional when it comes to roofing, so most of the things that you are looking at may look fine, but what if they’re not? An expert is better equipped to take a look at your roof and tell you whether anything needs to be done.

Have the gutters cleaned

This is a job that should be on your list at least twice a year; In the summer and in the winter. Making sure that the gutters are completely clear will prevent your roof from being in trouble when you notice a roof leak. When the water can’t properly drain from the roof you will run into other issues such as roof leaks, an ice dam and potential crumbling of your shingle leaving your attic open and vulnerable. If you have water pooling on the roof, and it freezes in the winter this could cause your roof to cave in. Never a good thing.

Add some extra insulation

As you know, heat rises in your house, and so it’s extremely important during these times to add some extra insulation, so that heat can rise and it can stay exactly where it’s supposed to be all because you added insulation into your roof space. This will keep your home annual family warm and cozy through the winter months even when there is a storm raging outside.

Check on your pipes

It’s important that you protect your pipes in the winter months, especially those in the roof space. This is because you can prevent them from getting too cold, freezing and bursting.