How to prepare your home for a baby’s arrival

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Welcoming a baby into the world is probably the most intensive, important experience you’ve ever been through. Most people would agree that in terms of importance, this beats getting your dream job, getting married, and even winning the lottery. A brand new human being, one you’re totally responsible for, is quite a huge matter to get your head around.

Never fear, however, that worry and overwhelming set of feelings you have to deal with are simply signs that you care about doing a good job. If you have that in you, then don’t worry, you’ll be sure to prove yourself.

A good way to ensure you feel prepared for such an experience is to prepare your home for your wonderful baby in advance. Of course, you were no doubt planning to do this, but making certain every provision is accounted for and every worry is straightened out can do a lot for your peace of mind. Then, all you have to focus on is actually bringing your child into the world.

In this post, then, we’ll go through some tips and preparations to make. Let’s consider that in advance:

Baby Monitors

Baby monitors allow you to hear what’s going on in your child’s room when you’re in bed, or in another space. You can set these up and connect them wirelessly so connectivity is assured. This way, you can listen out to your child when they wake up or need soothing.

You will come to appreciate having these in your home and despising them when they wake you up at 3 am. That’s okay, it’s better to project your tired irritability onto the baby monitor as opposed to your child – it can take it.

Making sure you have a baby monitor close by can help you feel better about taking that mid-afternoon nap at the same time as your child, or helping those you trust with your baby (such as your trustworthy family members) if going out for the night. 

Comfortable Strollers

This lightweight stroller guide can help you with everything to look for when purchasing a pushchair for your child. This way, you can easily enjoy walks in the park, attend to your errands, and help your child experience the outside world as they develop and grow.

Comfortable strollers are easy to use and can fit your standards, such as making sure rain covers are easily applied and considering the storage areas in advance. Over time, you’re sure to benefit from a real sense of possibility and place.

The Crib & Mobiles

Of course, having a comfortable crib to ensure your child can sleep comfortably is important. Making sure they have blankets that allow them to be wrapped firmly (but not too tightly), will ensure they remain warm and comfortable. It’s also important to make sure the door is closed when they’re put to bed if you have a cat, because felines are known to jump in cribs because of how warm they are with your baby sleeping there, and this can present a danger to your child.

It’s also best to use a sturdy, new cot if you can, because of course while a simple, second-hand cot might seem like a good idea, we need to have utter faith in the stability and condition of where they sleep, as much as you would care for purchasing a car seat new.

You can also enjoy fitting well-secured mobiles, perhaps with planets, fun stars, and rocket ships. These can spin and play a tune, entertaining your infant and rocking them gently to sleep. When you feel slightly sleep deprived, you’ll probably be entertained by it too.

Baby-Proofing The House

Sure, your infant is probably not going to be crawling or moving around the house for many months. But this can provide an excellent opportunity to baby-proof your house ahead of time.

For instance, we’d recommend implementing baby gates to lock out access to the bottom and top of the stairs. This way, you can prevent them from trying to crawl, curiously, too close to them. On top of that, adding catches to the under-sink cupboards and drawers will prevent your child from opening certain compartments themselves. To be safe, make sure that cleaning products, like bleach, are stored higher than your child can reach.

Baby-proofing the house also means caring for air quality, provided you live in a relatively urbanized area. For some parents, purchasing an air filter for the bedroom allows their child to breathe more easily, this is especially important if they have any respiratory conditions or temporary illnesses.

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If You Get Time, Meal Prep

When you bring a baby home, you have a lot on your mind. Or rather, you have one thing on your entire mind – your baby, and their wellbeing. This will mean feeding them well, burping them, washing them, cleaning them, changing their diapers, and making certain you help them feel relaxed and peaceful. It also means caring for your own well-being.

When this is going on, you may not have time to, or feel like, cooking. For this reason, it can be good to cook a big batch of certain meals ahead of time and freeze them in boxes. A quick microwave or hob reheat later, and you can enjoy a full, nutritious meal in minutes without having to worry about snacking poorly or relying on fast food. While your partner or family may be more than happy to cook for you, it can be worthwhile to have this read for lunch.

Sterilizers For Bottles

Sterilizing basins for baby bottles and breast pump equipment will ensure that your child’s feeding sessions are always as hygienic as possible. These basins can be timed through their internal clock so you can always make sure bottles are cared for ahead of time.

Then you can store breast milk appropriately in your refrigerator, and warm it up to the perfect level in a larger jug filled with boiling water. When it’s at the appropriate slightly warm temperature, your child is more likely to take to it.

Put Together Upstairs/Downstairs Resources

When you’re a new parent, the organization is going to be something you feel never ends. From making sure the house is in good shape, to caring for your personal chores, to make certain your baby is attended to (and at this age, whenever they demand attendance), can take a lot of your time.

If you have a two-story home, it can be tiresome to go up and down trying to find the bottles, the diapers, or the blankets and towels you’ve been using. As such, two large baskets that can fit all of the daily peripherals you need will help you avoid having to walk up and down the stairs or constantly search for your parenting supplies when you need them. In the long run, that’s sure to help you feel better and more capable.

Putting together upstairs and downstairs resources may also include small topical measures, such as infant-appropriate skin creams. Or, you may decide to implement an anti-odor spray you can squirt a few times should your child need changing. In general, the more conveniences you can have available, the less stressful parenting is.

With this advice, you’re sure to prepare your home for your wonderful baby. In the long run, you’re going to make a wonderful parent and will be aided in that pursuit by having everything you need available to you. Make sure to never feel opposed to asking for help either, because no parent should be an island.