How to care for your elderly parents

Having elderly parents isn’t always easy and can make you feel a bit lost and overwhelmed. You’ve looked unto them for physical, mental, emotional, and financial support all your lives, and when you find them in a situation that defies that image, it’s hard to come to terms with it. Not to mention how difficult it is to find the best possible ways to keep them happy and healthy, and care for them just the way they cared for you! I’m sure you would have a lot of questions but not as many answers when you’re first starting to navigate the situation.

You want what’s best for your parents but you might not know what that is right away. The following guide to caring for elderly parents will help get you thinking about the key elements to finding success with this task. Soon enough you’ll be working through the situation together and watching your parents lead happy and healthy lives as they age.

Have an Open Discussion & Assess Needs

A wise first step as it relates to caring for elderly parents is to assess their needs. Have an open discussion about how they’re feeling and what they think they need from you or others. There are several key areas to consider such as medical needs, mobility, personal hygiene, and social interaction, to name a few. Ask questions to figure out what they’re thinking and in what ways they believe you can best support them.

Do Your Research

There are a lot of options and choices to think about when it comes to finding the perfect care options for your elderly parents, and this is a good thing. However, it also means that it is important to make sure you do plenty of research. You have to look into the different types of senior hospice care that are available, and think about what the cost is, as well as where they are located and the facilities they offer. There is bound to be a lot of choices, and it is important to come up with the best fit for your parents. This means you need to make sure you check out what is available, and involve your parents in the process too. Once you have narrowed things down to a few of the best options, you need to go and visit, taking your parents with you. Having a good and positive feeling for a care home or retirement center is important, and you can really get a feel for how they do things and whether it would be the right place for your parents. This is one of the most important and difficult decisions you can make, but it is essential that you are giving your elderly parents the best possible quality of life, as well as increased independence.

Understand the Finances

You’re going to want to include your parents in the process when it comes to getting them settled as they age. It’s important that you understand the financial situation and what money you have to work with. Caring for older adults is going to cost money so it’s best to be prepared for the future than to have it catch you off guard. There are several costs to factor in such as medical care, the living situation, home safety modifications, and food and meals. Check out what resources and programs may be available if you require financial assistance.

Choose the Right Living Situation

You’re also going to need to figure out where your parents are going to live and feel most comfortable. If they require more help daily and aren’t very mobile or have certain needs then you may want to consider a nursing home or assisted living facility. In this case, it’s wise to keep a close eye on them and go visit them as often as possible to ensure they’re well. Should you suspect neglect or abuse then you can get in touch with Nursing Home Law Center LLC to get help and discuss your case and options. While this may be your only choice for a living situation, you want to make certain your parents are being well-cared for.

Stay in Touch

Open and honest communication is also going to help you navigate this challenging situation. One of the best ways to offer your support and love to your aging parents is to stay in touch. It may be as simple as picking up the phone, writing an email, or visiting them in person if you are able. You want to make sure communication is simple and accessible, especially if they need help right away or are hurt or they fall. Confirm the phone is working and that they understand how to dial for help if they need it. There are not only safety hazards to be concerned about but also the fact that they might be feeling isolated and lonely most days. 

Keep Your Parents Engaged in Life

Another tip that will help you care for elderly parents is to keep them engaged in life. Do your best to ensure they have some activities to do each day and aren’t just sitting around watching TV. It may be that they like to work on crossword puzzles, spend time in the garden, or read books. You may also want to consider visiting them often or taking them places so they can get out and be out and about some days. Furthermore, encourage your parents to start exercising to remain in good health. A great way to achieve this is by pinpointing their activity preferences. Many older adults think getting in shape means frequent trips to the gym, but that is not always the case. Dancing, swimming, and walking all count as movement, so you can encourage your parents to engage more in these activities they are interested in. If your parent loves to take strolls, you can give them a personal alarm watch to help them track their steps and make things more fun. Also, encourage them to enlist a friend or two on their walks to keep them motivated and accountable. Your goal is to avoid them feeling overly lonely and disengaged because they don’t get much social interaction or have fun things to do.

Think About Your Own Needs

You must also think about your own needs and abilities when caring for elderly parents. It’s not selfish but necessary to consider your limits and what you’re capable of giving. It’s important to take care of your own health and ensure you remain happy and in good spirits too. If you feel you’re not the best person to take on some responsibilities then maybe another family member can help or you can hire assistance in that area. Speak up and be honest about how you’re able to help and what you have the capacity to do when it comes to caring for your elderly parents. You don’t want to lose yourself or overlook your family’s needs in the process.