How healthy eating affects your brain and body

What does eating healthy do to your body? Eating healthily can be so important for our bodies, and we often don’t know what it does. This blog post is going to break down exactly how a diet that includes whole foods, fruits, and vegetables benefits the body.

#1 Improved Memory

The first thing eating healthy can do to your body is improved memory. The brain requires a ton of nutrients and vitamins in order for it to keep running smoothly. When we don’t eat properly, our brains may not receive the full amount of essential nutrition that it needs and this could lead to mental problems such as Alzheimer’s disease later on down the road. By eating fruits, vegetables, and whole foods, you are giving yourself all the good stuff needed by the brain so these diseases won’t affect us!

#2 Manages illnesses such as diabetes

Diabetes is a very common illness around the world today. This disease can be managed by eating healthy, especially when dealing with Type II diabetes which has to do more with lifestyle choices than genetics, as many people believe. Eating fruits and vegetables alongside whole grains helps manage blood sugar levels in our bodies, so you don’t develop this condition! Eating healthily can also help manage any outpatient eating disorder that can feel impossible to overcome sometimes.

First, try starting out slowly (that way, it won’t seem as hard). You could even start off first thing in the morning by having an apple or some berries alongside oatmeal instead of sugary cereal. Want something different? Try adding kale into your scrambled eggs!

Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels

#3 Better Mood

Eating healthy can also do wonders for our moods. Eating too much junk food is proven to lead to higher rates of depression and anxiety in people, especially younger kids who are still developing into adults. By eating fruits, vegetables, and whole foods, you’re giving your body everything it needs so that you feel great all the time! Also, you won’t be mindlessly eating because you’re bored or stressed out.

An even better reason to eat healthily is the fact that it can help keep your digestive tract running smoothly! Eating fruits and vegetables removes waste from our bodies, so we don’t have as many issues with constipation, bloating, gas, etc. Instead, it will all just run right through us like clockwork.

#4 Manages weight gain

The final thing eating healthy does to your body is manage weight gain. We all know that junk food and fast food are known for their high-calorie counts but what we don’t think about as often is how bad this type of food is for us! Eating fruits, vegetables, and whole foods mean you’re avoiding processed ingredients such as added sugars which can lead to gaining more weight than desired. Also, because these types of foods contain the necessary fiber our bodies need, they help keep hunger at bay, so you won’t be reaching into a bag of cookies or chips late at night when cravings hit either.