Do We Rely Too Much on Supplements?

We use supplements for so many things in our lives. Many people are focused on being as healthy as possible in their lives, and therefore they use supplements like omega-3 to manage inflammation and improve brain health, but it is important to remember that supplements aren’t the be-all and end-all. While we are letting in a number of essential nutrients, the idea of taking a pill seems too good to be true. It may sound simple, but supplements do not always deliver. What do you need to understand before you use supplements as a way to better health? 

The Actual Nutrient Content

You need to know the exact contents of a supplement because you need to make sure you are not overdosing on a certain nutrient. You shouldn’t exceed a certain upper limit with specific vitamins. For example, the Vitamin A limit is no more than 3,000 mcg RAE, and on no account should you exceed that. But it is also important for you to conduct your due diligence on where a supplement has come from. These days many people use CBD oil, and with that comes a whole bunch of questions over ingredients, and the TAC vs THC debate. This is why you need to have a fundamental knowledge of the quantity of nutrients in the vitamin you are taking. 

Understanding If the Benefits Outweigh the Risks

You need to look at your health in terms of the bigger picture. But in order to know if the benefits outweigh the risks, you may need to look towards certain studies. There are many randomized trials that suggest multivitamins can prevent cancer but there are also many studies that show multivitamins to be nothing more than an expensive placebo. You need to be aware of your use of a supplement. Because if you think you lack a specific nutrient, it is important to contact your doctor to see if you need to look beyond your food intake to make up for what you are lacking. 

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How We Should Get Our Nutrients

We need a number of nutrients every day to stay healthy. For example, we need to protect our bones with Vitamin D and Calcium, and Vitamin A helps us to preserve our vision and have a healthy immune system. But it is important to remember that the sources of these nutrients are vital. Usually, it is best to get them through food instead of supplements. This is because we cannot get the same effects from a supplement, because nutrients and substances that come from healthy foods like fish, vegetables, and fruits can work together and provide a “synergistic effect.” If we take certain minerals or vitamins in higher doses, this could interfere with our body’s ability to absorb nutrients. 

Do We Rely Too Much on Supplements? 

Ultimately it depends on our unique needs. A supplement is beneficial, but it should be there to supplement our diet. A supplement could give us the edge, however, we mustn’t use it as a crutch for our overall health.