5 Reasons You Should Treat Summer Allergies & Stop Ignoring Them!

Summer allergies – sometimes referred to as hayfever – become a regular part of life for millions of people. As the sun comes out, and the pollen level rises, you start suffering from allergies. It can be incredibly annoying, but you almost learn to live with it as it only impacts you for a few months in the year. Certainly, you don’t think it’s worth getting any treatment for allergies. So, you ignore them and just try to carry on as normal. 

Well, ignoring summer allergies is a terrible idea for multiple reasons. Ideally, you should try to get treatment for them before the allergy season starts. Why? Well, here are some serious reasons to stop avoiding your seasonal allergies:

Allergies can lead to asthma

Not all allergies have the same impact on your health. With food-related ones, you could experience short-term symptoms after eating the food you’re allergic to. With summer allergies, you’re dealing with an airborne allergy. This means that you’re affected by something that’s in the air and breathed into your system. 

Mild symptoms will include sneezing and a runny nose, along with a sore throat. However, if you don’t treat your allergies to calm the symptoms, there’s every chance that you could develop asthma. Indeed, plenty of people have sadly suffered from asthma attacks in the summer because of their allergies. They might be around lots of freshly cut grass, and the sheer amount of pollen in the air is too much for their lungs to cope with, causing breathing difficulties. 

If you get the treatment you need for your allergies, you will develop a defense mechanism against them. They won’t trigger symptoms as badly as they usually would, so you can avoid a potentially fatal asthma attack and keep your symptoms as mild as possible. 

Allergies can cause sinus problems

Similarly, the effects of your summer allergies can lead to long-term sinus problems. Everyone with hayfever will know just how badly it impacts your nose. Either it gets really blocked and stuffy, or it runs constantly. It’s the stuffiness you need to be concerned about, as chronic stuffiness can lead to sinus complications that cause an even bigger health concern. 

When your nose is blocked for too long, there becomes an increased chance of developing a sinus infection. This can make your entire face feel swollen and painful, causing chronic headaches at the same time. While you can get headache treatment quite easily, you still feel terribly ill with a sinus infection. All could be avoided if you simply treated your allergies and reduced the chances of obtaining symptoms. Thus, you wouldn’t have had a blocked nose, so the chances of sinus infection would be much lower. 

If you start getting constantly blocked noses because of your allergies, you should seek treatment as soon as you can. In a lot of cases, a blocked nose is all you will get. However, you can’t take the risk of it developing into a sinus infection. To make matters worse, most people that get sinus infections tend to see them frequently. So, they keep coming back time and time again to make your life a misery. 

Prevent the spread of diseases

Allergies can’t be spread from one person to another. When you suffer from seasonal allergies, you will sneeze a heck of a lot. You’ll also be blowing your nose a lot, and then touching things with the hands that were touching your tissue. So, while you cannot pass your allergy to another person, you can still spread other viruses and germs with ease. 

Think about it, if you’re constantly sneezing, it is so easy to accidentally pass germs on to someone else. This is bad at the best of times, but it’s even worse during a pandemic for a virus that is mainly spread through airborne droplets. To compound the misery, coronavirus often manifests in people with no symptoms at all. Consequently, you could be sneezing coronavirus all over the place without even realizing it. 

By treating your allergies, you will no longer get symptoms. This means you won’t sneeze all the time, you won’t have to blow your nose, and so on. Thus, the chances of you spreading any germs will decrease dramatically. 

Improve the quality of your life in the summer!

Finally, you should treat your allergies to have a better life every single summer. Let’s face it, this is the best season for most people as it is sunny, the weather is lovely, and you like going out and enjoying yourself. It makes you happier, far more so than dealing with a gray and dreary winter. 

As such, it is so horrible when everyone is enjoying themselves and you’re sniffling and suffering from allergies. You want to have fun, but you also can’t bring yourself to do certain things. Even something easy like walking outside can be impossible on some days if the pollen count is too high. Working indoors means closing the windows to prevent pollen from entering your home – your life really is inconvenienced. 

Treating your summer allergies will mean that you get your life back. You can enjoy yourself without worrying about your symptoms, and it means you can actually be happy in the summer. 

What treatments are available for allergies?

You can’t cure an allergy, but you can take things to treat it and calm your symptoms. Antihistamines are the main thing to take as they block the release of histamines in your body. It’s the release of histamines – which is triggered by allergens entering your body – that cause allergic reactions. By taking antihistamines, you stop these reactions from happening and calm your symptoms. 

You can also get stronger allergy medication from a doctor, as well as things like steroid nasal sprays to reduce the impact the allergies have on your sinuses. Placing a balm under your nose also helps as it can trap pollen and stop it from entering your nasal passages. 

All in all, you should stop avoiding summer allergies and start treating them right away!