How To Encourage Positive Mental Wellbeing in Your Child


As parents we can put so much pressure on ourselves. We want to make sure that our children are happy and healthy, as well as learning and progressing in all of the right ways. But one thing that often gets neglected is their mental health. I mean, we can often just think that it can affect people when they are older. But in good and bad ways, mental health is something we need to be talking about all of the time, especially when it comes to our children.

From them feeling anxious over something, to them learning to control and recognize their emotions, these are all things that we need to be doing with them. Even how they spend their spare time can have an impact, especially with teenagers. And the fact that we have mobile devices, means that it can be hard for them to switch off, especially from their peers and perhaps people that are treating them unkindly. Sites like show us just how important nurturing the minds of our little ones is. So if you need some steps to guide you, here are some things that you could be thinking about.

Encourage a Hobby
Having a hobby is a great thing for children, and adults, of all ages. When they have something to look forward to doing and can spend spare time doing it, then it keeps them away from mindlessly watching TV and things like YouTube. Some computer games like can be a good for them to have some escapism, as long as they are given time restrictions to playing it. Being active and having sporting hobbies can be a good idea, as well as crafts and creative hobbies like sewing or painting.

Encourage Physical Activity
Being active is a great way to give our children a boost of confidence, as well as to help them to be happier. It can be a physical release to be active and expel some energy. It can also help to generate the hormones that are going to make them happier. So try to encourage them to be active as part of their everyday routine. Do things as a family if you can too, and then it will be easier to get them active, and to keep them being active as well.

Get Out Of Your Home (But without a cell phone!)
What I mean by this is, take time to go hiking, biking, just stroll around the neighborhood saying Hi – but don’t carry your cell phone with you. Disconnect yourself from the bonds of technology and indulge in socializing – this provides mental stimulation that can be enlightening and uplifting for your kids. Exercise is another great way to be physically and mentally fit, whether its Cardio or Yoga. So find a space and time, and break away from technology for specific hours every day.

Have a Dedicated Talking Time
It can be tricky when our children are younger. But as they get older, think about having a set time when you can be together and both be present, and remove any distractions like cell phones. It could be at the dining room table as you eat dinner, before bed, or at a certain point over a weekend. Then they know if anything is going on with them that they need to talk about, you will be there and be present at that time. It might be every day, it might only be once a week. Just work out what is best for you and your family.

Take Family Vacations
Everyone deserves time off, so make sure you plan some vacations for your family. Choose destinations that are visually and emotionally stimulating. And when you plan your activities, try involving your kids in your plans. Try keeping screen time out-of-the-loop, or as minimal as you can – this vacation should provide them with an opportunity to indulge in free-play, immerse themselves in learning new cultures, explore nature or cities in a new light, which in turn helps increase positive mental health. This is a also a great time to bond together as a family, learn things from each other, and re-affirm your kids’ faith in strength of a family.